Office of Enterprise Risk Services
The Office of Enterprise Risk Services provides risk, insurance, and environmental expertise as well as emergency management and business continuity services through customized programs and innovative solutions. The departments that comprise the Office of Enterprise Risk Services and their functions are:
- Risk Management: Conducts risk assessments to develop and implement proactive programs to mitigate the impact of such risks to the university community.
- Insurance: Oversees the insurance portfolio and risk transfer operations through procurement of insurance coverage to protect the university’s assets.
- Environmental Health and Safety: Develops programs for addressing the university’s compliance and regulatory needs and for protecting the university community from environmental health hazards.
- Occupational Health Surveillance: Identifies the occupational health hazards of the university’s employees and develops programs, provides training and protective equipment for the workplace.
- Workers’ Compensation: assists employees that experience workplace injuries with their healthcare needs and return to work.
- Emergency Preparedness and Response: Provides emergency planning for the university to prepare and respond to emergencies, disasters, and catastrophic events.
- Business Continuity: Develops business continuity plans and coordinates the university’s continuity of operations to minimize the impact of interruptions during emergencies and crises.
- Administrative Policies: Promotes consistency in governance, mitigates institutional risk, and supports compliance with laws and regulations. Includes established standard policy templates and a review process to achieve consistency, apporpriateness, ease of understanding, ease of access to, and compliance with university administrative policies.

Disaster Cost Recovery & Business Continuity