Grant Signatures

DOD Environmental Compliance Assurance

If your Department of Defense (DOD) grant proposal requires an Environmental Compliance Assurance (ECA), submit the ECA Documentation Packet (and a copy of the project abstract/summary) described below to OEHS at least five business days prior to your grant submission deadline.

An ECA is required by the DOD for certain funding requests to verify that Principal Investigators (PI) and their laboratories are in compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations as described in Tulane University's DOD-approved Facility Safety Plan.  The ECA is a lab-specific review and must be signed by a designated institutional official.  Tulane's designated institutional official is the Assistant Vice President, Office of Environmental Health and Safety (OEHS).

Signature Acquisition Process

A minimum of five business days is required to conduct the evaluation and issue the signed certificate.  Providing OEHS a longer timeline is encouraged to ensure a thorough evaluation.  Forms submitted with less than the required five-day notice are not guaranteed a response.

Please review all the steps below to ensure a timely processing of your ECA request:

Step 1: Document Submission

Complete the ECA Documentation Packet (PDF) and e-mail it along with a copy of your project abstract/summary to: (or fax to (504) 988-1693) at least five business days prior to the grant submission deadline. The packet consists of:

  • Cover Sheet
  • ECA Criteria Questions
  • ECA Form – complete "Proposal Title" and "PI" fields only
  • Principal Investigator Assurance Form

Download ECA Documentation Packet (PDF) ­ 

Step 2: OEHS Review

The OEHS will review the documents to verify that the PI is in compliance with Tulane University's DOD-approved Facility Safety Plan, which includes verification of any appropriate safety/compliance oversight committee approvals (e.g., IBC or Rad Safety Committee).  The OEHS may have concerns or questions, so please be timely in responding to inquiries.  The process may be delayed if any concerns or questions are not addressed.

Step 3: Issuance of Signed ECA

Once compliance is verified, OEHS will send the signed ECA to the requesting Principal Investigator.