Medical Residents


Seek medical attention, only if necessary. Inform the medical facility this is a work related injury, and ask them to contact Tulane Workers’ Compensation, 504-247-1716 for the billing information.


Report the incident to your Supervisor or the responsible Supervising Physician at the time of the Incident and request they assist you in contacting the 24/7 hotline (855) 433-9938 to report the First Notice of  Injury.  (Tulane’s Office of Enterprise Risk Services will be notified by the 24/7 hotline operator).

NOTE: It is the responsibility of your Supervisor/Supervising Physician to complete your First Report of Occupational Injury/Illness and return to Workers’ Compensation. This report must be completed in order to process your medical bill(s). 

If The Doctor Provided You A Written Prescription

1. Bring the script to your choice of pharmacy.
2. Immediately notify Workers’ Compensation at 504-247-1716 and provide the pharmacy information and the name of the medication (This is an urgent matter.) 


You may receive two separate bills, one from the treating facility, and one from the doctor’s billing office. For timely handling of payment, email to